


事情发生的经过: North Carolina recorded its first deaths attributed to 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 记录在案的感染人数急剧增加, 许多地方政府实施了原地避难或呆在家里的命令,以尽量减少公共传播. 政府. 罗伊·库珀与超过2人召开了电话会议,000 local government officials to brief 他们 on work done and underway. 周四,白宫宣布北卡罗来纳州进入联邦灾难状态.

单词释义: 这是一个未知的领域,至少在记忆中,对任何级别的政府来说都是如此. 帮助, 随着答案的揭晓, 365足彩下载已经发布了基于许多问题和讨论的常见问题解答和其他及时信息——公开会议程序, 人力资源及就业事宜, 遵守行政命令, and so on -- that public officials have had over the past few weeks. 这是在 http://rzim.ycdwkj666.com/coronavirus, which also includes resource links and blog posts about the happenings.

利用: 政府ernor Cooper is expected to give a press conference at 4 p.m. 今天(星期五)发布了与冠状病毒应对有关的其他公告. 

瘦子: 事物在不断变化. 本公告反映了截至周五上午晚些时候的事实. Please keep your attention to reputable and reliable social media sources, news outlets and governmental announcements for updates, 尤其是州长的新闻发布会. 

​In addition to several live and on-demand educational 关于新型冠状病毒肺炎如何影响城镇的会议,365足彩下载将 将于5月28日举行虚拟年度业务会议. 电子提名 and elections process is in the works, and details will be released to the 即将成为正式会员. 请继续关注! 

作为一个特别的房子 committee began meeting this week to discuss state strategies to address the COVID 19 crisis, the League continued work on making the needs of cities and 州决策者熟知的县. 众议院经济支持工作组 on Wednesday discussed the potential for tax relief for businesses, as well payment deferments for individuals and businesses on such items as vehicle 注册. NCLM Chief 立法 Counsel Erin Wynia is scheduled to present remotely to the continuity-of-state-operations working group this coming Tuesday and will discuss the effects of virus spread and its economic 对城镇的影响. 周二下午2点,点击 音频按钮为1228lb,可提供 在这里
重申 在上周寄给州长的信中,主题是. 罗伊·库珀,众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔 and Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger, the presentation will focus on how 当地经济和小企业受到影响 地方销售税和公用事业收入流的损失. NCLM正在强调这一点 维持地方政府的现金流对于解决危机至关重要 public safety spending is the largest part of most municipal general fund 运营预算. 的 League will also be calling on legislators to provide 市政理事机构的会议灵活性和业务灵活性 对公用事业. Earlier this week, the letters to legislative leaders were forwarded 致所有立法者. NCLM继续与州长办公室合作 response, and plans other efforts to inform legislators about local concerns and enhance communication with North Carolina’s congressional delegation.


周二,包括州长在内的州政府官员在一次集体电话会议上向全州的市政官员通报了最新情况. 罗伊·库珀在讨论正在采取的减缓传播的行动时强调了新型冠状病毒肺炎日益严重的情况, 完善生活必需品供应链, 确保对地方政府预算的援助. “我不确定我们是否见过像现在这样的事情,库珀对市长们说, 市议会成员, 经理等. “它影响到我们州的每一个部分." 

政府ernor Cooper is expected to give a press conference at 4 p.m. today (Friday) to discuss additional measures for coronavirus protection. 请关注新闻频道和国家机构的新闻稿,了解下面讨论的细节的任何变化.

库珀州长在周二的电话中承认,随着病毒消耗资源并促使前所未有的重组,地方政府已经在考虑迫在眉睫的预算和运营问题. 他说,他正在“推动最强有力的一揽子计划”,以保持该州及其地方政府的完整,并尽可能做好准备. 他强调了该州向联邦政府提出的2000亿美元特别资金要求. 

打电话的时候,下午两点半.m. 3月24日,该州在49个县记录了近400例新型冠状病毒肺炎阳性病例. 自那以来,这一数字一直在增长,官员们预计,到周末,北卡罗来纳州几乎每个县都会出现病例. “这种病毒是一个杀手,”州长强调说. 80%的冠状病毒感染者预计将在家中康复,无需住院治疗, but a full 20 percent of the infected population will need hospital access, 其中5%的人需要重症监护, 公共卫生专家在电话中说. 高危人群包括老年人, 免疫系统受损或患有肺部疾病等其他疾病的人, 等. 也就是说, 至关重要的是,人们要意识到医院的压力,并做出选择,以防止超负荷的病例. 州卫生与公众服务部部长. Mandy Cohen said partners are "ramping up medical capacity to meet the demand,“但至关重要的是,社区必须认真采取社交距离和明智的商业措施,以防止本来可以预防的病例过载.

目前的供应链问题导致口罩和呼吸机等医疗设备短缺. 州长内阁一直在与私营部门和联邦政府合作解决这个问题, 在这一点上,哪个是全球性的. 国家卫生官员还在分析世界各地似乎有效减缓新型冠状病毒肺炎传播的所有全球努力和技术. 在写这篇文章的时候,在北卡罗来纳州, 行政命令 have closed businesses that have congregational or human-contact elements, 从电影院到美甲沙龙. 50人以上的集会是禁止的. 包括教堂礼拜仪式, 州长指出, 他还打电话给来自全州的800名宗教领袖,让他们都意识到这一点,并提醒他们,无论如何,他们仍在为社区服务. “我们知道这种病毒很普遍,因为它很容易传播, so we are taking the appropriate steps to try and suppress the virus,库珀州长说。. 尽可能呆在家里,他反复说. 

博士说. 科恩说:“大多数人可以打电话给他们的医生,在家接受监测,然后康复." 

All 100 counties now have public assistance access under the federal disaster 周四,白宫批准了北卡罗来纳州的飓风声明,允许当地的飓风 政府, state agencies and certain non-profits to be reimbursed for 冠状病毒应对费用. “这对城市、乡镇和县来说是个好消息 作为他们的公共卫生提供者和急救人员,他们需要承担费用 and emergency managers work to protect communities from 新型冠状病毒肺炎,” said 政府. Roy Cooper在新闻发布会上说. “我们知道这种应对措施将是昂贵的 联邦援助将帮助支付这些费用.“ 新闻稿 进一步 details. 

A federal package nearly 900 pages long has passed through Congress with 对地方政府的规定. HR748 – 冠状病毒 Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, 即将提交总统签署的历史性立法是否旨在以各种方式提高抵御冠状病毒影响的能力. 标题V -冠状病毒救济基金; 特别是在法案第5001条(第598页)强调了地方政府 有1500亿美元的拨款. 美国.S. 财政部必须分配所有的资金 to the state within thirty days of passage of the bill. 每个州都是 保证至少1美元.250亿年. 

根据 该法案中,总拨款的45%留给了市政当局 人口50万或更多. 如果一个地区的人口超过50万,就可以取消 是否有能力直接申请其股份.  有较小的地方 population must rely on the state to disseminate the money. 然而,有 一系列条款将资金分配给有助于当地发展的因素 政府. A 联邦的总结 分解失业援助等要点. 

这 新闻报道正在进行中吗. 监视可靠的更新出口. 

所有的北 今天,卡罗莱纳社区正面临艰难时期. 对于该州的乡村小镇来说, 这些挑战主要来自于国内和全球制造业就业的趋势 loss and urbanization – were substantial even before the COVID 19 crisis. 这 本周,关于这些挑战的文章和视频出现在WRAL-TV上 website as a part of a partnership with the League, with these stories providing case studies of specific challenges and responses. 这 故事, published on the WRAL homepage on Sunday, looked at how the City of 罗金厄姆正在努力重新定义当地经济在纺织厂之后 Area在几十年前就开始关闭. 另一个 article, published today, looks at how Williamston and surrounding Martin 该县试图解决其用水需求,结果却失去了一个主要的工业用户 in a replay of what occurred in many communities two or three decades ago. 的 附带的视频 看看这些问题是如何在农村发生的 我们州的社区,以及如何在全州范围内解决这个问题 他们. Please share these stories on social media platforms as the League 继续努力让更多的人关注水和下水道的问题 viability and the economic challenges facing many rural towns.

有了公开会议法,即使在 bad weather, North Carolina cities and towns know what they're doing. 但考虑到 新型冠状病毒肺炎对从头到脚业务的影响是前所未有的 一些问题浮现在脑海中. 对此,州检察长乔什·斯坦 生产 a 关于法律允许的新指导文件 在这些特殊的 情况下. 以下是节选: 

"Can local 政府 carry out their necessary meetings via electronic 意味着 during these exigent 情况下? 

“是的, 因为电子会议是允许的.C.G.S. §143.318.13、 requirements of notice, access and minutes can be met through electronic 意味着. Due to the unprecedented 情况下 we are all faced with, and the fact that local governing bodies conducting meetings remotely is not expressly prohibited by statute, I conclude that local 政府 can carry out necessary meetings electronically and remain in compliance with Open 会议的法律." ​阅读全文.

头条新闻 在过去的几天里,当地的行动都很突出,比如呆在家里或者 由市或县政府执行的就地避难命令 面对面互动的限制. 当地政府正在努力识别或 define "essential workers" for ordinance purposes, the National League of Cities has authored some general but community-level information 根据联邦指导方针. 例如,NLC指出,联邦网络 安全和基础设施安全局,简称CISA, 发布备忘录 以帮助州和地方官员 "protect their communities while ensuring continuity of functions critical to public health and safety, as well as economic and national security.“ CISA备忘录确定了支持“医疗保险”的工人 and healthcare, telecommunications, information technology systems, defense, food and agriculture, transportation and logistics, energy, water and 废水、执法和公共工程,”尽管可能还有其他方面, 它说. Says NLC, "CISA’s is a guidance list and a place to start 对于当地社区. As response efforts to the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic are locally executed, state-managed, and federally supported, this list is advisory in 自然. It is not a federal directive or standard in and of itself. " 阅读全文