


发生了什么事: Legislators met in special session to begin​ providing the state's portion of Hurricane Florence recovery assistance, 批准56美元.500万年.

这笔钱的大部分用于联邦援助的州匹配, 其中很多都是已经发生的响应成本.

: Another special session is planned October 15 to approve more disaster response legislation, but even that session will likely be just additional initial steps, with legislators continuing to address the needs of Florence victims well into next year's regular legislative session.

大约20年前, the General Assembly approved $836 million in response to a disaster of similar magnitude, 飓风弗洛伊德. 换算成今天的美元,就是1美元.250亿年. 

大会通过了该法案. 罗伊·库珀本周签署了一项法案,提供56美元.500万年 in initial state assistance for Hurricane Florence victims. The legislation was approved during a special legislative session that convened on Tuesday, 立法机构领导人表示,他们将于10月11日返回. 15 for yet another round of legislation in response to the storm. 几位立法者表示,56美元的税收.500万年 was just the beginning of the state's assistance effort. 在这个总和中, $50 million will go toward matching funds for federal disaster assistance programs 和 to pay for relief efforts under the state Emergency Management Act. The remainder has been earmarked to help schools which lost federal dollars that would have flowed to them under various programs but will not because of their​ closure. The General Assembly's actions this week also give local boards of election more flexibility to try to ensure voter access is not affected by storm damage ahead of the Nov. 6选举, including extending the voter registration deadline by three days in counties under 联邦灾难声明. Legislation also provided school systems affected by the storm more flexibility in adjusting their instructional calendars. 你可以阅读媒体对这次特别会议的报道 在这里在这里. ​

飓风佛罗伦萨的恢复工作仍在继续, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has set up a series of applicant briefings considered crucial for local governments seeking FEMA Public Assistance reimbursements. 这些简报将于周一开始,一直持续到10月11日. 15. A full explanation of the briefings 和 a schedule can be found 在这里.  State 和 federal officials are also urging local governments to notify special purpose units of local governments, 比如供水和下水道管理部门, 和 nonprofit partners including volunteer fire departments about the briefings.

正如之前在这里发表的, 这个政府学院的临时网站 提供了一个 range of recovery-related information, including FEMA rules, 和 a recently posted a FEMA Disaster Cost Documentation Spreadsheet can be used to help meet requirements so that you can have the best opportunity for having eligible 费用报销.

金叶基金会负责管理资金的分配 穿过北方.C. Hurricane Florence Relief Fund, a charitable disaster assistance fund set up by the state. 奖助金可颁予下列人士 units of local government 和 501(c)3 nonprofit tax-exempt organizations, 和 eligible projects include provision off temporary housing 和 rental assistance 提供紧急物资. 项目必须位于某县以下 联邦灾难声明. 找到更多关于救济基金的信息 在这里.

与此同时,政府. Roy Cooper is urging North Carolinians to participate in volunteer clean-up efforts next week, 和 his office has compiled a contact list for opportunities​ to volunteer 在这里. The governor notes that these volunteer efforts can help speed recovery by allowing rebuilding efforts to start sooner.

While the number of road closures due to Hurricane Florence was down to 126 as of Wednesday morning, a number of them will require substantial repairs in the days ahead, 州交通官员说. N.C. Transportation Secretary Jim Trogdon told state legislators this week that the state should receive about $266 million in federal funding, 哪个需要66美元.800万火柴. 他说,他预计这个数字还会增长. 受损最严重的道路之一是美国公路.S. 威尔明顿北部421号, where a temporary bridge is expected to be constructed​ while a permanent bridge is built. Even the temporary bridge will take about a month to construct. 与此同时, municipal officials who have questions about damage to state 和 municipal-maintained roads within their jurisdictions should contact the ​DOT's Emily McGraw at 919-835-8445. ​

国会现在已经批准了1美元.7 billion in federal aid to help assist North Carolina 和 South Carolina with disaster recovery with the approval this week by the U.S. Senate of provisions included in an agency reauthorization bill. 北卡罗来纳州的援助额预计为1美元.140亿美元. Richard Burr has indicated that he expects more federal assistance to be approved in the future. 这笔钱将用于基础设施修复, 房屋重建及重建, 商业援助. It will be administered through the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery program. ​

Franklin Mayor Bob Scott was chosen this week as chair of the North Carolina 市长协会 Board of Directors, 他的任期为一年. 斯科特将取代维克森林市长维维安·琼斯. Other changes in the association's leadership included Bethel Mayor Gloristine Brown being selected as the board's vice chair, 和 Kinston Mayor Don Hardy 和 Angier Mayor Lew Weatherspoon being named to the 11-member Board of Directors. “We have an outst和ing group of mayors 和 the association gives us an opportunity to talk over common goals 和 problems we encounter in leading our towns 和 cities across North Carolina,” Scott said of the selections.该协会是国联的附属团体. If you are an elected mayor of a League member city or town 和 are not participating in the association 和 would like to, 请与威尔·布鲁克斯联系 wbrooks@ycdwkj666.com. ​