


事情发生的经过: Lawmakers sent more big-ticket legislation to the governor's desk, including measures on the 国家选举和道德执行委员会的组成 and a 20-page "technical corrections" bill that contains some items of interest to cities and towns (as explained later in this Bulletin). Meanwhile, 参议院议案 seeking a sunset on six state boards (including those of the Clean Water Management Trust Fund and the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund) seemed to lose steam.
这意味着什么?: It finally looks like we're coming to the end of this extended 2018 "short session.“立法机构领导人中大多数已知的优先事项都得到了解决.
ON TAP: Veto-watch. 州长有10天的时间来考虑每一项法案(选民身份法案, for example) and whether he'll sign it, veto it, or let it become law without his signature. 被否决的法案将返回联合国大会, 因此,随着时间的流逝,议员们已经计划了一些简单的会议. 立法机关的绝对多数仍然存在, 因此,任何被否决的法案都有可能被推翻并成为法律. 
THE SKINNY: Other than outstanding veto questions, the 2017-18 General Assembly is virtually concluded.

​The legislative chambers this week agreed on a series of provisions wrapped into a conference report for SB 469技术修正. The approved legislation included a restriction on municipalities’ ability to recoup from industry the cost of reviewing small cell applications (在上周的公报中有报道), extending restraints on small cell application fees to also apply to those fees charged for zoning application review and technical consultant costs. The bill also came with a new provision to make it clear that an existing limitation on not requiring new or increased stormwater controls for preexisting development or redevelopment “applies to all local governments regardless of the source of their regulatory authority.” It additionally requires that local governments include that limitation in their stormwater ordinances. 该法案已于周四提交给州长. 

Senate leader Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore have gained the backing of their majority caucuses to continue to lead their respective chambers in the General Assembly. Incoming House Republicans unanimously backed Speaker Moore, a Kings Mountain resident, this week. “It is a great honor to continue serving the citizens of North Carolina alongside my colleagues in the House of Representatives,他低声说 新闻发布会上. As noted 在媒体报道中, Senate Republicans have already backed Senator Berger of Eden to continue his role. Chamber leaders will be officially chosen when the new General Assembly convenes in January.

应州长的要求. 罗伊·库珀,联邦应急管理局已将截止日期延长至12月11日. 受佛罗伦萨飓风影响的北卡罗来纳州居民和企业死亡人数为19人. “We want to make sure that our hurricane survivors get the help they need to get their lives back on track,州长说 新闻稿及详情. “我敦促任何受到佛罗伦萨飓风影响的人立即向联邦应急管理局登记.“在联邦应急管理局注册是申请援助的第一步, 州长办公室说. 它的新闻稿强调了启动这一进程的多种方式. The League has also been highlighting FEMA processes in continual updates in its weekly League Letter. ​

Gov. Roy Cooper and chamber leaders in the General Assembly -- Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore -- released a rare 联合声明 周四的声明肯定了对北卡罗来纳州经济和就业增长的承诺. 这是在新闻之后发生的 据报道,这让该州的高级官员感到意外, that Apple had chosen Texas instead of North Carolina for a significant company expansion. "North Carolina is a great place for business and we have amazing success bringing quality jobs to our state, from corporate headquarters for Charlotte and Raleigh to advanced manufacturing jobs for places like Halifax and Scotland counties. We’re on pace to add thousands of good-paying jobs this year with more expected next year. There’s no better place to find a top-tier IT workforce and legislative leaders have worked closely with the administration to attract large employers and technology companies like Apple. 我们将继续尽一切努力为北卡罗来纳州带来更多的好工作.”

The City of Gastonia has added to its ongoing story of economic development work at 我们在这里成长, the online hub of local stories showing how our municipalities are driving job growth and prosperity across the state. In the 最新一期, we learn the positive effects of an infrastructural boost at Gastonia Technology Park to ensure companies there have what they need to thrive. “We needed increased power capacity to serve the growing number of businesses at the Tech Park,该市在我们在这里成长网站上解释道, adding that its expansion of electrical support there will also serve new industrial customers at a separate site. 我们在这里成长, an initiative led by the North Carolina League of Municipalities in partnership with WRALTechwire, is loaded with stories submitted by League-member municipalities about the work they're doing to support job growth and opportunity. 今天提交你的城市故事! 我们在这里成长 is open to all member municipalities with simple login credentials that can be obtained by emailing about@herewegrownc.org.​ It's the best way to amplify your story and show what cities and towns mean to the state as a whole.

911董事会已通过 即将到来的立法会议的目标 并且正在主持一个利益相关者会议来讨论这些问题. 会议安排在上午10点.m. on Dec. 中途街1903号,吉尔福德地铁911号.,格林斯博罗. Anyone with questions or feedback about the board’s legislative proposals is encouraged to attend or 联系董事会的工作人员.​

在短暂的休息之后,我们回来了——让我们从一个有趣的开始. 本期节目 市政方程, we continue our quest for ways and activities to better connect with or learn the city you're in -- whether it's your hometown or a place you've never been before. Here, we're documenting and learning the secrets of the city as guided by notable photographers from around the world. 我们去了伦敦、洛杉矶、吉隆坡和北卡罗莱纳州的威尔逊市. 市政方程 is the League's nationally recognized podcast about cities and towns adapting in the face of change. 浏览过去的剧集 ycdwkj666.com/municipalequation
