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Trust Matters, February 2020

​​​Report Your Claims Promptly

Caring for the Injured Worker​​​

Motor Vehicle Accidents

​Tenant User Liability Insurance Program (TULIP)​


​​Report Your Claims Promptly​​

及时报告索赔(或潜在索赔)对于允许对索赔进行调查和适当评估至关重要.  Each of our policies contain a requirement of prompt reporting.   As an example, 雇佣实践责任表格规定:“你必须确保在你得知任何可能导致对你提出‘雇佣不当行为’的‘索赔’的情况或情况后,尽快通知我们。.’”
We see some claims that are reported after the municipality has taken actions, sometimes even going as far as assigning attorneys before notifying us.  如果我们由于延迟通知而无法进行适当调查,这可能会危及报道. Additionally, 委派非专家组委员会成员的律师可能会产生无法报销的费用和开支.  在这个过程中,当理事会必须被替换时,它也会造成延误和混乱.
及时报告使我们的工作人员有机会获得可能丢失的证据, modified or otherwise altered. 我们也可能有机会提出减轻或减少潜在最终损失的方法. When investigations are started immediately, 在记忆消失之前,我们在收集重要证据和从关键证人那里获得信息方面要成功得多.  当有可疑的伤害或无聊的索赔时,这一点尤为重要. 
This may also assist with claims that are ultimately due, as it helps in building a relationship and forms a positive impression, allowing our reputation to remain high. 有证据表明,早期的关系建立导致整体较低的结算值.
Working as a team, 我们可以更容易地取得积极的结果,这将在这个过程中提高我们所有人. 

Caring for the Injured Worker​​​​

统计数据表明,尽早报告索赔并指导医疗可以导致工人赔偿索赔的成功结果. 早期报告使理算员能够及时完成调查,并确定赔偿数额. It also starts the communication between the Injured Worker, 理算员和雇主确保及时回应护理和治疗建议. If we are all communicating our desire to help get them well and back to work, it shows that we care and are vested in the process.

积极主动,了解员工的补偿流程也很重要. 这将有助于减轻受伤工人对他们在工作中受伤后会发生什么的担忧.

我们可以为您和受伤的工人提供有关工伤赔偿的信息. We are here to help you and answer any questions that may arise.  ​

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents continually cost our municipalities in a variety of ways, including loss of life, injury, property loss, and worktime losses. 我们的员工是我们最宝贵的资源,我们必须继续改进工作场所的做法.

Interestingly, 北卡罗莱纳州的交通事故趋势表明,过失事故占我们损失的很大比例, leaving significant areas of potential improvement at the member level. 分心驾驶和倒车事故是高比例过失事故的共同特征.

幸运的是,这些事实为我们的成员积极解决驾驶安全问题提供了巨大的机会. 我们的市政服务涉及大量的旅行,因此开车的频率很高. 因此,我们的市政任务与我们的员工有效和安全地操作机动车辆的能力直接相关.  Training, policy, 监督是可以积极降低与驾驶相关的损失风险的领域, and are very cost effective.

Some things to consider:

  • 市政当局是否维持明确规定期望的机动车运营政策, and include provisions such as distracted driving and backing avoidance directives?

  • 市政当局是否对机动车碰撞事故进行了适当的内部调查,以了解造成损失的原因,以减少未来相关损失的可能性?

  • 主管是否通过一贯的纪律要求员工对违反机动车政策的行为负责?

  • Does the municipality provide documented training and policy reviews for employees?

Our municipal members have significant resources regarding these areas of concern. NCLM配备了经验丰富、敬业的风险管理顾问,随时准备在这些领域和许多其他领域帮助我们的成员识别和减轻风险.

我们的现场顾问帮助我们的会员通过有效的, 以结果为导向的风险管理和损失控制方案,专门为个别市政机构设计.

我们的风险管理顾问对参与保险池的会员城市进行例行访问, to provide safe-driving training courses, on-site consultation, hazard reviews, risk-identification, supervisory and employee training, existing loss control program evaluation, 并协助确定市政服务的所有领域的责任风险.



Tom Anderson- NCLM Director of Risk Control and Public Safety Risk Management.​

Tenant User Liability Insurance Program (TULIP)​​​

Does your city allow private use of its facilities?

Many cities allow individuals and groups to use or rent municipal owned facilities. When someone is injured at one of those events, they may look to sue the city and the event organizer. 经常使用城市财产的个人或团体往往没有意识到他们可能对伤害承担法律和经济责任, accidents and property damage claims resulting from their event. Dealing with claims, regardless of their merit, can be expensive and time-consuming.

When individuals or organizations purchase TULIP coverage for their event, 您的城市将自动被指定为购买的TULIP保单的附加被保险人. 这提供了额外的保证,您的城市将受到保护,免受由个人或组织在城市财产上举行的事件所产生的索赔.

What does TULIP cover?


  • Receptions
  • Reunions
  • Festivals
  • Concerts
  • Job Fairs
  • Weddings
  • Clubs & Meetings
  • Arts & Crafts Fairs
  • Many more events

Liquor liability coverage also is available.

*(Exclusions may apply for events greater than 5000 in attendance)

To get more information about TULIP coverage, please contact your NCLM IRFFNC underwriters. 

Ariele D'Angelo                                                 Patrice Adams                                                    Michael Pittman

Sr. Property Casualty Underwriter                     Sr. Property Casualty Underwriter                       Director of Underwriting

919-715-8151                                                    919-715-9549                                                      919-715-2910​

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